LDR 615 Discussion Describe the role of organizational development in contemporary organizations

LDR 615 Discussion Describe the role of organizational development in contemporary organizations

LDR 615 Discussion Describe the role of organizational development in contemporary organizations

Describe the role of organizational development in contemporary organizations. How does organizational development help organizations prepare for or implement change? Provide an example from your organization.

Organizational Development

Caruso (2021) stares that there are many definitions of organizational development, but the most common is it is described as a process that helps prepare organizations for change. It is intended to cause a shift in beliefs, values, and attitudes that help companies keep up with fast-paced technologies and environments (Caruso, 2021). Organizational development can help with change by providing products or services, introducing new technologies, and helping to remodel the organizations culture (Ionescu & Bolcas, 2018). Organizational development has increasing internal capabilities to help the organization to respond to changes in the environment, and to help put the people in the middle of the change process (Ionescu & Bolcas, 2018). This is often considered a long-term process that is carried out by leadership and focuses on learning and problem-solving aspects with members of the organization (Ionescu & Bolcas, 2018). It may often times be viewed as a planned process for change in the culture (Ionescu & Bolcas, 2018).

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With in my organization I feel that we often do not follow these steps. Often times upper leadership comes up with a new process and puts it out there for people to follow. Many times this is completed without explanation as to the reasoning behind the new process. Managers are just told to go out and implement the change without really getting any feedback as to how the change will affect the company. This is one reason I chose to pursue my masters in leadership to help me better understand how we can effectively drive change in the organization.


Caruso, S. J. (2021, September 21). Organizational development: Definition, uses and techniques. HR Development Info. Retrieved October 9, 2021, from https://hrdevelopmentinfo.com/organizational-development-definition-uses-and-techniques/

Ionescu, V.-C., & Bolcas, C. (2018). Organizational Development through Change. Manager, (28), 47–55. https://doi.org/https://www.proquest.com/docview/2213785765/fulltextPDF/A4A4F27B254E4A0BPQ/2?accountid=7374

5 Ways to Lead:

Hello Class,

Please watch the video “5 Ways to Lead in an Era of Constant Change” by clicking on the link below.

What are your thoughts on Jim Hemmerling’s imperatives for transforming a company’s reorganization into a transformational, positive experience?

Dr. E

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Dr. E,

My interpretation of the video is that change must be inclusive. The audience must “buy” into the process. The staff, members, stakeholders must believe in the change for the “transformation” to be positive.

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My interpretation of the video is that when an organization puts the people first, all the other elements (such as financial benefits) will

LDR 615 Discussion Describe the role of organizational development in contemporary organizations
LDR 615 Discussion Describe the role of organizational development in contemporary organizations

fall into place. Furthermore, inclusive leadership lays the foundation for a positive, engaging, and team effort to implement change within an organization successfully. The video intrigued my curiosity, which led to further research regarding inclusive leadership and includes the following six traits:

  1. Visible commitment
  2. Humility
  3. Awareness of bias
  4. Curiosity about others
  5. Cultural intelligence
  6. Effective collaboration

“Leaders who consciously practice inclusive leadership and actively develop their capability will see the results in the superior performance of their diverse teams” (Bourke et al., 2019, pg. 5).


Bourke, J. & Espedido, A. (2019, March 29). Why inclusive leaders are good for organizations, and how to become one. Harvard Business Review (pg. 2-5). https://vrandolphbrown.com/assets/hbr-article_why-inclusive-leaders-are-good-for-organizations%2C-and-how-to-become-one-(march-2019).pdf


Dr. E

The speaker shared important principles and vital elements related to organizational change. As he mentioned, organizations constantly have to adapt due to the different environmental forces that drive Organizational Development (Hartzell, 2021). In the student personal experience with the current organization, the resistance to change is an element that a sector of the stakeholders is showing, the leadership response has not been effective, and it has the superficial approach, which results in them going back to old ways to operate as soon as the crisis is “over” (Hemerling, 2016). The speaker describes the five principles that aim to put people first (Hemerling, 2016). By enabling and empowering people to succeed, the transformation experience becomes a positive event (Hemerling, 2016). In conclusion, as the speaker describes, if the transformational process is implemented in the right way by putting people first, it will be a positive and productive process that would benefit the whole organization (Hemerling, 2016).

Dr. E,

Thank you so much for sharing this TED talk! He discussed self-transformation being positive and empowering and compared that with the always evolving organizational change which creates reluctance amongst individuals. He states that change is hard especially when imposed upon and frequently done in quickly, in “crisis” mode. Changes made during crisis are often not sustainable. He states to have a positive change experience people need to be put first. There are 5 must haves in order to be an organization that puts people first which include, inspire the team, be fully engaged in the change, provide the necessary tools, continuous learning culture, and an inclusive leadership team with a strong vision (TED Conferences, 2016). I think there were quite a few valuable points made during Jim Hemerling’s discussion specifically on putting people first. I think putting people first is such a critical component to many of the aspects of the organizational development. Putting people first helps with the individual’s performance and therefore drive results.


TED Conferences. (2016). Jim Hemerling: 5 ways to lead in an era of constant change. https://www.ted.com/talks/jim_hemerling_5_ways_to_lead_in_an_era_of_constant_change?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare


Dr E.,

The organization that I work for has made transformation a priority. Having both a transformation plan for our organization and one for the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model pilot program that we are participating in, we are on the exhausting end rather than empowering. One benefit we had was that the results we are trying to achieve are long-term and that has been the focus for both transformation plans that we are working on. Our plan for organization has specific organizational goals and our rural health model has community health goals. A specific takeaway from Mr. Hemerling was his comparisons of teaching students for the test rather than preparing them to excel in the long run (Hemerling, 2016). Teaching staff by giving them the tools and skills that they need is key. As nursing leaders, we do not always provide young nurses with the tools that they need to succeed. Then we are surprised to see them lose excitement, are not engaged, and then resign. We need to inspire them with a deep sense of purpose, provide them with the skills they need to succeed and instill a culture of continuous learning (Hemerling, 2016). This will help to retain staff, make them more engaged and empowered to learn for the betterment of themselves and the organization.

Organizational development plays a vital role in our organizations today. Organizational development refers to Organizational development refers to an objective-based course of action to implement a change of systems in an organization. This is achieved by opening up communication between the involved parties interested in the change occurring. In today’s ever-changing health care system, change is needed to keep up with all the latest technology and research available that will aid in improving the way we conduct ourselves as professionals as well as the care we provide.

Organizational development refers to a set of planned-change techniques or interventions designed to improve the effective and/ or quality of an organizational as well as the individuals involved in the change or practice (Lunen, 2010). Planned- change techniques refer to a process in which change will occur; regarding the phases and step that will need to be taken to achieve the desired change from an organizational as well as individual standpoint.

A year ago, a plan was proposed and implemented to remodel the patient education program at my organization in order to accommodate the population that we serve. The program that was in place at the time was a generic version and not useful overall for the individuals we serve. My organization is a small, privately owned company and proposing a change is challenging. However, January of 2022 I had proposed an implementation plan to update the program to accommodate the many barriers we face on a daily basis. Many of the patients we care for are immigrants and English is not their first or second language. The population we care for are medically fragile children and their parents/ caregivers most often do not speak English. At the time, our patient education program being “generic” did not accommodate for the language barrier as well as some caregivers did not read the English language or at all. This change proposal involved many steps and phases including planning and proposing what would be needed as well as the overall cost. Communication with the organizations key members that would have a positive impact on the change decision was key. Organizational development played a vital role in the progression and implementation of this change. The desired goal of this change was to improve the quality of care being provided as well as improve the status of the organization’s resources.


Lunenburg, S. (2010). Organizational Development:Implementing Planned Change. International Journal of Management, Business, and  Administration (13), 1-9. http://www.nationalforum.com

Organizational development is a critical and science-based process that helps organizations build their capacity to change and achieve greater effectiveness by developing, improving, and reinforcing strategies, structures, and processes. It is about using scientific findings as input and creating a structured and controlled process in which assumptions are tested. Lastly, it is about testing if the outcomes reflect the intention of the intervention. It is designed to create organizational effectiveness and may have varied outcomes but critical components are financial performance, customer satisfaction, organizational member engagement, and an increased capacity to adapt and renew the organization.

So how do these components work together to give the desired effectiveness of preparing a company to implement change? The process allows for creating strategies that are planned, implemented, evaluated, improved, and monitored. These processes are a proactive system-approach that focus on an entire organizational system. This can include the full organization, one or more locations, or a single department. Organizational Development has many benefits including the following five:

  • It allows for continuous business improvement by using tools such as Diagnostic Assessment,Goal Setting and Strategic Alignment, Process Improvement,Feedback and Performance Management, Change Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, and a Continuous Feedback Loop
  • There increased communication, feedback, and engagement within the organization. Improving communication aims to align all employees to shared company goals and values. Candid communication also leads to an increased understanding of the need for change within the organization. Communication is open across all levels of the organization, and relevant feedback is recurrently shared for improvement.
  • Talent and retention initiatives often include training and development programs aimed at enhancing employee skills and capabilities. By investing in employees’ growth and providing opportunities for advancement, organizations can attract and retain top talent, resulting in a more skilled and motivated workforce.
  • OD encourages employees to think outside the box and generate innovative ideas by promoting creativity, risk-taking, and a continuous improvement mindset. It focuses on breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional collaboration bringing together individuals from different departments and disciplines. It also emphasizes the importance of meeting customer needs by incorporating customer feedback and insights into processes.
  • Increased business success through raised innovation and productivity, and efficiency and profits is another key benefit. Costs are also reduced by minimizing employee turnover and absenteeism.

This year my organization has implemented technology changes that allows for all of our sites to have a central share file that we all can access for anything related to After-school Programming. Anything related to the program is literally at our finger tips. While it allows for uniformity in processes and work formats across all sites, it leaves room for each site to still incorporate its own creativity specific to its site. The newly implemented processes allow us to have a one stop shop making it easier to work smarter, not harder, share ideas and best practices and keeps us more connected. It helps dispense with a silo feeling in our individual sites, making us feel more like a cohesive team and community with diverse locations.


Van Vulpen, E. (n.d.): AIHR: What Is Organizational Development? A Complete Guide


Explorance (2023 June 14): 5 Key Benefits of Organizational Development


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