Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513

Sample Answer for Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513 Included After Question

Topic 8 DQ 2

Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice?

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513

Title:  Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513

Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice?

House Bill 1013 is a mental health bill that unanimously passed both of Georgia’s legislative chambers with bipartisan support in March of 2022. The new law gives more authority to medical providers and less control to insurance companies to determine what mental health services should be covered. Because of this newly assigned jurisdiction, the law received pushback from health insurers and lawmakers from the far right. Parts of the bill that unified lawmakers from both parties were provisions to improve and strengthen treatment for individuals suffering with substance abuse and mental health disorders. The law also dictates that a certain percentage of taxpayers’ money goes to fund programs that have direct patient care and not to cover administrative costs alone. The law mandates that teams of local law enforcement officers and behavioral health experts respond to calls placed for citizens experiencing mental health crisis. Of the 50 states, Georgia is currently 48th regarding its citizens ability to acquire mental healthcare. Hopefully, the new law will improve Georgia’s ranking and the quality-of-care available throughout the state. (Nolin, 2022) 

I feel that this new law will positively impact the collective practice of nurses in Georgia because this law places the importance of mental healthcare on par with physical healthcare. Hopefully, the nurses in the respective areas can provide patients who need psychiatric support services with the care they need, and free up time, space, and resources for nurses to care for people who need physical health services as well.  

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Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513 Reference: 

Nolin, J. (2022, March 30). Georgia lawmakers unanimously pass bill to overhaul mental health services. Georgia recorder. 

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A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513

Title:  Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513

I agree with you that House Bill 1013 is a mental health bill that was passed both of Georgia’s legislative chambers with bipartisan support in March of 2022. The law deprive insurers their authority while giving medical providers more powers to determine mental health services to be covered. The law assumes that medical professionals are the best people to advice on treatment and management of mental health complications (Yang et al., 2021). Insurance companies may prioritize economic and other interests away from patients’ recovery. As a result, the House Bill 1013 allows medical providers to be in control of mental health insurance. However, the law received pushback from health insurers and lawmakers from the far right (Stucky et al., 2021). The law dictates that a certain percentage of taxpayers’ money goes to fund programs that have direct patient care and not to cover administrative costs alone. Unfortunately, some insurance companies have suffered from frustrations from other medical providers due to poor relationship.

Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513 References

Stucky, C. H., Brown, W. J., & Stucky, M. G. (2021, January). COVID 19: An unprecedented opportunity for nurse practitioners to reform healthcare and advocate for permanent full practice authority. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 222-227).

Yang, B. K., Johantgen, M. E., Trinkoff, A. M., Idzik, S. R., Wince, J., & Tomlinson, C. (2021). State nurse practitioner practice regulations and US health care delivery outcomes: a systematic review. Medical Care Research and Review78(3), 183-196.

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513

Title:  Research Health Care Legislation That Is Being Considered In Your State NUR 513

Proposed healthcare legislation in my home state is now the subject of heated debate due to its goal of increasing Medicaid coverage. The future of my nursing career could be drastically altered if this legislation is passed. First, an increased number of insured patients could result from Medicaid expansion, easing the strain of uncompensated care on hospitals and clinics (Bellerose et al., 2022). Having a more consistent and fair healthcare system will improve the quality of care we can deliver, as well as the working conditions for nurses. In addition, it has the potential to improve access to preventative care, leading to better long-term health outcomes. Since I would be on the front lines of healthcare delivery, I would be in a prime position to promote wellness and avoid illness.

Some of the inequalities in access to healthcare in my state may be reduced if such laws were enacted, which would be beneficial for the nursing profession as a whole in my home state. It could potentially help with workforce shortages by encouraging the hiring and retention of healthcare workers. Participating in nursing associations, backing or coordinating grassroots movements, and working with lawmakers and healthcare groups to impact healthcare policy are all ways that I can see myself getting involved in political advocacy for the nursing profession (Daw et al., 2020). I would possibly make a difference by providing first-hand knowledge and insight, telling stories about my own experiences as a patient, and discussing the crucial role that nurses play in health care. This would put me in a position to play a leading role in promoting legislation that enhances healthcare infrastructure and the nursing profession as a whole, contributing to the state’s long-term health and social justice. 


Bellerose, M., Collin, L., & Daw, J. R. (2022). The ACA Medicaid Expansion And Perinatal Insurance, Health Care Use, And Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review: Systematic review examines the effects of expanding Medicaid on insurance coverage, health care use, and health outcomes during preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum. Health Affairs41(1), 60-68.

Daw, J. R., Winkelman, T. N., Dalton, V. K., Kozhimannil, K. B., & Admon, L. K. (2020). Medicaid Expansion Improved Perinatal Insurance Continuity For Low-Income Women: The study examines the impact of state Medicaid expansions on the continuity of insurance coverage for low-income women across three time points: preconception, delivery, and postpartum. Health affairs39(9), 1531-1539.

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