PSY 405 University of Phoenix Week 3 Maslow hierarchy of needs discussion
PSY 405 University of Phoenix Week 3 Maslow hierarchy of needs discussion
PSY 405 University of Phoenix Week 3 Maslow hierarchy of needs discussion
Origins of Psychology and Research Methods
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PSY/103 Version 8
Neurotransmitters act quick but stay in our body for shorter periods of time. Hormones are chemical
messengers that bind to receptors to be able to send out signals. Hormones take longer to take effect
and are also longer lasting. Hormones regulate all body functions, they also contribute to disorders in
our bodies.
Origins of Psychology and Research Methods
PSY/103 Version 8
University of Phoenix Material Esthepania Galvan
Origins of Psychology and Research Methods Worksheet
Part I: Origins of Psychology
Within psychology, there are several perspectives used to describe, predict, and explain human behavior.
The seven major perspectives in modern psychology are psychoanalytic, behaviorist, humanist, cognitive,
neuroscientific/biopsychological, evolutionary, and sociocultural. Describe the perspectives, using two to
three sentences each. Select one major figure associated with one of the perspectives and describe his
or her work in two to three sentences. Type your response in the space below.
1. Psychoanalytic: This theory focuses on the unconscious mind, early childhood experiences and
how these experiences continue to affect the rest of our lives. These childhood experiences also
motivate our behaviors as adults.
2. Behaviorist: New behavior based on environment conditions. Observing and controlling
behavior. From my point of view, using myself as an example: Why do I have to do online
shopping? What is the satisfaction of shopping online? It makes me feel better when I’m having a
bad day. As if I’m rewarding myself.
3. Humanist: The belief that all humans can be of good nature if all their needs are met. Starting at
the very bottom of the pyramid, the needs have to be met in order to achieve inner fulfillment. You
can not continue moving up in the hierarchy of needs if you are missing any of the following
needs: physiological, security, social, esteem and self-actualization.
4. Cognitive: Relating our way of thinking to the way we behave, our memory, how we reason with
one another, and our decision making skills. It is a way of viewing the brain a mechanical object,
a computer or mechanism.
5. Neuroscientific/Biopsychological: The effects the environment around us causes in our
behaviors. It is also linked to the social interactions with others in our environment.
6. Evolutionary: Evolution based on natural selection, the loss and gain of abilities based on
genetic causes. An example I can use is stone age women, they searched for a strong partner
with shelter. We have not strived far from our stone age relatives, women still look for a partner
who is able to provide for the family eventhought times have changed and now women can do
anything a man ca.
7. Sociocultural: Is the study of how media, social interaction and cultural factors affect our
behaviors. It is also how we interact with one another and be able to show empathy, and our
ability to problem solve.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is something I am very familiar with, and I definitely go by it.
Maslow’s basically created a chart of human needs to be able to feel inner fulfillment. It basically begins
by meeting physical needs, food, water, shelter and continues to move to self actualization. Which means,
believing in yourself.
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