NR 305 Week 1: iHuman Orientation (Graded)

Sample Answer for NR 305 Week 1: iHuman Orientation (Graded) Included

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 305 Week 1: iHuman Orientation (Graded)

Title: NR 305 Week 1: iHuman Orientation (Graded)

When going through last week’s simulation experience, I think it was easy to navigate. I am thankful that we had the orientation simulation so that we could get familiar with the system though. I feel like I did a good job going through the history questions with Ms. Gonzalez. I’ve had a lot of practice doing hospital admission in my own practice, and I feel like the questions asked in this scenario were the same as what we ask in the hospital setting. This example shows how realistic the scenarios really are.

     If I were to care for a patient like Ms. Gonzalez, I would ask more specific questions related to her concerns and get to the bottom of what was going on, which I voiced in my nurse note assignment. For example, I would ask questions on water intake since it is relatable to frequency along with dehydration relating to UTI. I think something I could improve would be to really imagine what it would be like in real life and take that into consideration when doing the actual assessment. I was selecting options that I wouldn’t really do in real life, not even thinking because it was just there. Something that iHuman gave me feedback on was pumping the blood pressure cuff too high, which surprised me. I didn’t expect the system to be so realistic and exact.

     Something that I thought this simulation reinforced that is valuable is taking the full time to auscultate and make sure I am doing it in the correct pattern. When it comes to bowel sounds, if you didn’t listen for the appropriate amount of time, you got reminded of it in the feedback. Also with lung sounds, if you listened vertically instead of horizontally in the pattern, it reminded you, along with if you didn’t listen to the whole inhalation/exhalation. The same goes for auscultating the heart, it would remind you in the feedback to listen to the whole cycle. I think this is valuable because when you have 4-6 patients in the hospital setting, you feel rushed, and, sometimes, you forget or neglect the basics.


The purpose of this assignment is for learners to become familiar with iHuman, a virtual simulation product that students will utilize throughout this course to complete assignments.

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Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

Due Date

Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 1.

Points Possible

50 Points

Late Assignment Policy

If the assignment is not submitted by due date, a late deduction will be applied.


  1. Carefully read these instructions.
  2. Click the blue question mark icon at the bottom right of your iHuman screen at any time to access iHuman Resources. A menu will appear to assist with trouble shooting. Click “Help” from the menu to contact iHuman Support.
  3. View the following orientation videos. These videos can be accessed by selecting the iHuman links in the next section.
  4. Click this link: Practice Case: Robert Jones. This is your practice patient for the remainder of the session. You can enter this case and practice at any time.
    • The first time you enter the iHuman Virtual Cases in this course, you will be asked to enter an Activation Code. If you need to purchase an Activation Code, go to Modules, and select iHuman Activation Code under iHuman Virtual Simulation.
    • For this orientation, please enter the Robert Jones case and review the EHR.
  5. Once you have reviewed the Robert Jones case, refer to the Check-in Instructions below to continue completing this assignment.

Hint: These questions will be asked on the iHuman Orientation Assignment.

  • Why has Mr. Jones been admitted to the hospital?
  • What was Mr. Jones’ most recent Hemoglobin level recorded in the EHR?
  • What is Robert Jones’ marital status, according to the EHR?


  1. Answer the questions within this quiz about your access to iHuman and the Case Study.
  2. Click the Take the Quiz button at the bottom of this page to record your answers. When completed, you will click Submit Quiz at the bottom of that page.
  3. Your instructor will review your answers, score the items, and provide feedback. After scoring is completed, you may see your instructor’s comments in the Grades area.

iHuman Support

  • Support Desk hours and a contact link are available by clicking the link below.

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Your quiz score is unavailable because your instructor has not finished grading it. When your instructor finishes grading this quiz, your score will be available on this page.

NR 305 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION: Introductions

Hello, everyone! My name is C.., but you can call me Court. I live in Huntington, IN where I am in the Eastern Daylight time zone. Nursing was a second career choice for me, so I have only been an active RN for about 2.5 years. I started in the Med-Surg ICU at a level 2 trauma hospital and about a year and a half ago moved to the Endoscopy unit in the same hospital. Each department has been a learning curve with its own pros and cons, but I have loved learning different specialties, being in procedures, and meeting a variety of people. Learning new things has always been something that I love doing – my husband actually jokes that I will forever be a student because I love to learn – so going back to school was a “no-brainer” so to speak. My main reason for returning to school was just to further my education in the nursing world. Making the switch to nursing was the right move for me and I have enjoyed almost every minute of it (if you know, you know. Ha!). Deciding to work towards my MSN was a choice that seemed right for me.

To be completely honest, the only thing that is making me nervous about this entire venture is making sure I have the time to put my best foot forward in each of my classes. I am someone who tries to strive to always do my best with whatever task is in front of me and that requires a lot of my time and focus being placed on that specific task. Working full-time and having a family with whom I love spending time will throw a wrench in this plan (in a good way), but I know in the long run it will all be worth it. Knowing this about myself I wanted to make sure that the school I chose lived up to the standards that I will be setting for myself. I searched for and looked through at least 15 different BSN and MSN options/schools and Chamberlin was always in the top 3 of my lists. I ended up choosing this school because of the personalized help and care I received from my admissions director. From there each Chamberlin person I came into contact with was helpful and amazing. I was sold from the beginning. Not to mention they had the best program for what I was looking to do in the future. 

In the very little free time that I have my family and I love to game on our PCs. Any given night of the week you can find me, my husband, and our two boys playing all sorts of PC games together. Anything from hunting ghosts to racing cars to trying to figure out escape room puzzles. We also love to bowl on our Wii, have insane Mario Kart battles, and love challenging each other to horrible Wii tennis matches. When we aren’t gaming we love to work out in the garden together, ride bikes, visit our local splash pad, or just hang out with our German Shepherd named Charlie. 

I am excited to get started with classes and look forward to meeting and talking with all of you throughout these next few weeks!

ttempt History

LATESTAttempt 132 minutes50 out of 50

Score for this quiz: 50 out of 50

Submitted Sep 10 at 1:55pm

This attempt took 32 minutes.

Question 1

10 / 10 pts

I can access iHuman and view the Support Desk information.




Question 2

10 / 10 pts

I have located the iHuman Undergraduate Help section of the website.




Question 3

12 / 12 pts

I have viewed the assigned videos.




The answers to the next 3 questions are found in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) for Robert Jones, your practice patient in iHuman.

Question 4

6 / 6 pts

What is Robert Jones’ marital status, according to the EHR? 

Your Answer:

Married for 30 years

Question 5

6 / 6 pts

What was Mr. Jones’ most recent Hemoglobin level recorded in the EHR? 

Your Answer:


Question 6

6 / 6 pts

Why has Mr.  Jones been admitted to the hospital?

Your Answer:

He is scheduled to undergo an elective total knee arthroplasty secondary to chronic osteoarthritis. 

Question 7

0 / 0 pts

I have a question about iHuman for my instructor:  (optional – type question below)

Your Answer:

Is it mandatory to fill every section of the EHR upon completion  of that section? (History, physical assessment). What happens if I forget and click the proceed button?

Quiz Score: 50 out of 50

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