Endocytosis Cell Biology Lab Report
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A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Endocytosis Cell Biology Lab Report
Title: Endocytosis Cell Biology Lab Report
This lab was conducted in two sessions to observe the properties of Dictyostelium
discoideum cells. The objectives of this experiment are to observe the part that actin plays in
actin-based processes and to identify the rates in which slime mold performs endocytosis and
exocytosis. The D. discoideum cell, or slime mold, was used as a model to observe the genes
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which regulate the cytoskeleton and any processes requiring actin by using different mutants.
The cells are stained with DAPI (blue, showing where DNA is present) and rhodamine
conjugated phalloidin (red, showing where actin is present). In addition, the rates of endocytosis
and exocytosis can be compared using different mutants and evaluating their intake/outtake of
FITC-Dextran. In the instance of endocytosis, the concentration of FITC-Dextran should
increase in the slime mold cell, whereas during exocytosis, the concentration of FITC-Dextran
should decrease in the cell.
II. Materials and Methods:
In part 1, three lines of Dictyostelium discoideum are stained with DAPI and Rhoadmine
conjugated phalloidin. Differences are observed under a light microscope between the wild type
and mutant strains of the slime mold. Afterwards, each sample is treated with latrunculin, which
breaks up the actin into actin-g monomers. Again, the samples are observed for differences under
the microscope.
In part 2, six samples of slime mold are taken each for both endocytosis and exocytosis.
For the endocytosis, the cells are grown in a flask of HL5, then moved into a flask containing
HL5 and FITC-Dextran. The exocytosis is observed by growing the cells in HL5 and FITC-
Dextran first, then they are transferred into a HL5 containing flask before measuring. The
samples are obtained by lysing the cells and reading the relative fluorescence units.
III. Results: 10 micron images
The wildtype appears to have a mix of filopodia, pseudopodia, and lamellipodia actin structures.
The DAPI dye shows that the DNA is in an enclosed region in each structure, likely enclosed in
the nucleus
In the treated mutant 1, the slide has less compact areas with bright actin monomers, but also has
many dispersed areas stained blue, showing that there is no enclosed region with DNA.
Mutant 2 has small compact areas with DNA and compact areas with actin monomers. The actin
in Mutant 2, however, is less dense or more dilute than the wild type.
Average ENDO Line 0 20 40 60 80
WT 471 799 974 1344.5 1322
MT1 281 538.5 893.5 1,117 1140
MT2 810 1135.5 1344.5 1724 2168.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (min)
Mutant 2 has an increased rate of endocytosis, whereas mutant 1 has a decreased rate of
endocytosis when compared to the wild type cell line
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