Assignment: Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

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Assignment: Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

Assignment: Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

Community Outreach for Hypertensive Screening Program Interview Responses

Osteoporosis and low bone density affect approximately 54 million Americans making it a growing health issue in the United States. Osteoporosis affects a significant proportion of the aged American population, according to statistics. The implication is that a sizable proportion of the population is predisposed to increased rate of bone fractures and breakage that might not be easy to heal. Osteoporosis prevention and reduction programs have been implemented in the United States (Lieberman et al., n.d.). This paper aims at looking in nursing role in osteoporosis reduction program implemented in my practice.

What is the Cost and Projected Outcome of the Program?

The Osteoporosis Prevention Program is a program that has been implemented in my practice to address high incidences of post knee and hip bone surgeries. The Texas government created the OPP program with the goal of preventing and reducing osteoporosis rates in the state. Implementation of the OPP program was necessitated by the fact that close to one-third of the population in Texas was suffering from recurrent bone fractures in 2015. This program is guided by a number of principles. They include addressing the social determinants of health that contribute to osteoporosis, increasing resource availability, and transforming environments to promote physical activity and healthy eating.

In order to meet the program’s objectives, a number of activities have been implemented.

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They include expanding possibilities for healthy eating, encouraging active living through the construction of healthy settings, and providing community and clinical preventive interventions for people who are at risk of becoming bone fractures. The initiative also improves the chances of children and elderly populations at risk having a healthy lifestyle, as well as public health efforts aimed at preventing osteoporosis (Osteoporosis Treatment & Prevention in Houston, Texas, n.d.). The program’s implementation costs are paid for with public funds. Projected outcomes include a decrease in the state’s bone fracture rate, a decrease in morbidity and mortality rates, and increased access to healthy foods and environments for the population (des Bordes et al., 2020). It is also expected to improve Texans’ health and well-being, as evidenced by increased awareness, lifestyle, and behavioral changes on health-related issues.

What is the target Population?

According to the research, the program targets all of the populations in Texas that are at risk of or affected by osteoporosis and low bone density associated with post knee and hip bone surgeries. The state’s population includes children, adults, and the elderly. The program addresses the social inequalities that contribute to the state’s osteoporosis problem. It also broadens the population’s access to healthy living options, regardless of background.

What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? What are the examples?

My experience and research have taught me that nurses play a variety of roles in providing input for the design of the OPP program. The first role they play is to ensure that the program’s strategies align with the expected goals and objectives. They ensure, for example, that the strategies adopted are relevant to the needs of the populations affected and at risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis. The nurses’ other role in contributing to the design of OPP is to ensure that the needs of the target population are incorporated into the program.

For example, they conduct needs assessments to identify health-related aspects that should be prioritized in the project, thereby increasing the project’s relevance to the population (Curry et al., 2018). Another way nurses influence the design process is by assisting in determining the program’s resource requirements. Adequate resources, such as financial and human resources, are required for the program’s successful implementation. As a result of their experience with public health programs, nurses can contribute insights into the resources that are required.

What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

My responsibilities as an advocate for populations at risk of or affected by the OPP program are diverse. One of them is to ensure that adequate public awareness of the program’s importance and use of its strategies is generated. Health education is required to ensure that those at risk of or affected by osteoporosis understand the lifestyle and behavioral interventions required for their health and well-being. My other role as an advocate is to ensure that all members of the community have equal access to and use of the program initiatives. I ensure that all affected and at-risk populations have improved access to program resources to promote their health.

I address issues such as costs associated with the population’s use of the program. I also connect people with the resources they require. For example, I assist them in gaining access to community support groups where they can obtain the assistance, they require in managing and preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures. I had a say in the design. I collaborate with other program stakeholders to define the program’s goals, strategies, and objectives. In addition, I help to determine the program’s resource requirements.

What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?

Nurses play a variety of roles in healthcare program implementation. One of the roles of nurses in the implementation of healthcare programs is that of implementers. Nurses help to carry out the program’s strategies. They put the strategies developed to bring the program to life into action. Another role of nurses in program implementation is to coordinate the process. Nurses can help ensure that the program’s strategies are followed as planned. They also make certain that the allocated resources are used to their full potential in order to achieve the program’s objectives. Working with the project management team to evaluate resource utilization versus plan to identify any deviations and implement changes is one example (Pinheiro et al., 2020). However, the roles differ in program design and implementation. Nurses are involved in the development of program plans. During the implementation phase, they carry out the plans.

The design phase is also hands-off because it includes strategy development, whereas the implementation phase is hands-on because it includes the actual use of strategies in practice.

Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are the most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

Registered nurses, dieticians, and physicians are the members of the healthcare team I believe are most needed to implement the OPP program. Registered nurses perform tasks such as screening, health education, and follow-up on patients. Dieticians perform tasks such as nutritional assessment and counseling for the at-risk patients. Finally, doctors diagnose and treat these patients.


The osteoporosis prevention program is a successful one to help curb the increased incidences of post knee and hip bone surgeries. The program aims to educate those who are impacted by osteoporosis and those who are at risk of developing the condition in future life about how to live a better lifestyle. Nurses are vital in the planning and implementation of programs. All stakeholders involvement is crucial to the success of the program.


Curry, S. J., Krist, A. H., Owens, D. K., Barry, M. J., Caughey, A. B., Davidson, K. W., Doubeni, C. A., Epling, J. W., Kemper, A. R., Kubik, M., Landefeld, C. S., Mangione, C. M., Phipps, M. G., Pignone, M., Silverstein, M., Simon, M. A., Tseng, C.-W., & Wong, J. B. (2018). Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures. JAMA, 319(24), 2521.

des Bordes, J., Prasad, S., Pratt, G., Suarez-Almazor, M. E., & Lopez-Olivo, M. A. (2020). Knowledge, beliefs, and concerns about bone health from a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies. PLOS ONE, 15(1), e0227765.

Lieberman, I. H., MD, MBA, & FRCSC. (n.d.). Osteoporosis Prevention Plan. SpineUniverse.

Osteoporosis Treatment & Prevention in Houston, Texas. (n.d.). Texas Endocrinology Group. Retrieved October 24, 2021, from

Pinheiro, M. B., Oliveira, J., Bauman, A., Fairhall, N., Kwok, W., & Sherrington, C. (2020). Evidence on physical activity and osteoporosis prevention for people aged 65+ years: a systematic review to inform the WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1).

Tell us about a healthcare program within your practice.

The healthcare problem my facility nurses are addressing is hypertension (HTN) awareness, education, nutrition, medication, and exercise. The community surrounding the facility has a large Hispanic and African American population which are more predisposed to develop HTN due to risk factors like ethnicity, and traditional foods within those communities.

According to various studies and trends of HTN diagnoses, statically African American men and women have a greater disposition to have HTN than Caucasian men and women within the same community. (Lackland, 2014). This community outreach is done twice a month for two to four hours at a time and will be held at various locations within the community (churches, schools, etc.) to screen citizens for HTN and refer them to a free or low-cost clinic for management of HTN.

What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

For the first year of providing these screenings to the community the initial annual expenses would cost around $55,000. This includes fliers about HTN, booklet with a log for patients to monitor BP at home and keep track of and show to their primary care provider. Included in the booklet as well are recipes that provide suggested heathy substitute ingredients for cooking some preferred meals, and how to limit sodium intake.

This cost also includes initial purchases of marketing supplies, a years’ worth of gas from facility to location of screening, vehicle insurance on company truck, purchase of two sets of manual blood pressure cuffs, two stethoscopes, and pay for two nurses to conduct these screenings. The targeted outcome for this program is to see a decrease in hypertensive emergencies, increase patient compliance with HTN treatment, decrease the risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD).

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Programs like this exist in communities throughout the nation and according to Ferdinand et. al. (2012) these programs have had positive patient outcomes and saw a significant decline in uncontrolled HTN, positive lifestyle changes, decreased risk factors for CVD.

Who is your target population?

As mentioned above the target population for this program is the community surrounding the facility which is predominantly Hispanic and African American with a great education deficit in regards to high blood pressure. Recently a patient stated “I might have high blood pressure, but I never started taking the medication prescribed to me last time because I know once you start taking the medication, you cannot stop.”

This patient is a good example of the lack of education related to healthcare, especially HTN, within the community surrounding this facility. Statements such as this indicates there is a need for an outreach program to address the educational, and medical deficits related to HTN.

What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program?

Nursing input into the initial design of the community outreach program was to review the blood

Assignment Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions
Assignment Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

pressures of patients seen in this emergency room and note the prevalence as to: whether the patient knew they had high blood pressure; if so, are they taking medication; if not taking medication, what is the reason.

By auditing the patient charts for these markers, it became evident that the community in which we are located needs to have access to screening, education, nutritional and lifestyle changes, and access to quality care they can afford.

Information is abundant on the internet about healthy eating and ingredient substitution, but there is still some apprehension about changing recipes of traditional meals (Maintain a Healthy Weight, n.d.).

What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program?

As a patient advocate and an emergency room nurse, I can visit many establishments like churches and schools within the community and explain the screening process for HTN. As well as the education that will be conducted during the screening, patients will also be given referrals to free or low-cost clinics and a list of discounted medications at several pharmacies.

It is important for the nurses active in this program to speak with community leaders, school principals, and church pastors to secure a location for screenings and encourage community citizens to come to the screenings.

Do you have input into design decisions?

Yes, an excellent team of nurses identified a need within the community, collaborated amongst other nurses and out emergency room physicians, and shared ideas on how to address the high prevalence of HTN.

This team of healthcare professionals conducted research on effective patient teaching, locating and evaluating recipes of traditional meals and identifying healthy alternative ingredients. There was large amount of network between team members and with pharmacies, physicians’ offices, and clinics to gather an abundance of resources for patients and gained support for the community outreach program as well.

How else do you impact design?

Design is also impacted by specifying which department or individual is responsible for implementation and program evaluation. The design of the program should also have protocols in place that have been agreed upon by nursing and the medical director in the event one of the community members has a medical emergency.

What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation?

Nurses fill many roles, but the nursing role of the implementation of this HTN screenings program is to actually take vital signs and educate the community about the importance of good blood pressure control to decrease the risk of complications later in their lifetime, such as stroke, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, renal damage requiring dialysis, edema in the lower extremities, diabetes and other comorbidities that often occur was a result of long term, sustained, and untreated high blood pressure.

How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?

During the design phase to this healthcare program, there was a large amount of research conducted on the topic and program collaborators shared ideas and suggestions as to what information was going to be printed on flyers, and in booklets.

During the design phase, it was also decided there should be two nurses, protocols, and that relationships should be sought between the community leaders and the facility to encourage participation and increase awareness.

Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

Nurses, because nurses can interpret the patient’s blood pressure, provide education about risks of uncontrolled HTN, and educate and encourage patients to make healthy lifestyle changes. Nurses also possess the critical thinking skills needed to identify medical emergencies when running these types of screening clinics, as to where a layperson may not.

The nurses were able to compile resources for members of the community, so they have access to affordable quality healthcare and medications. Anyone can go buy an automatic blood pressure cuff from a store, or even us the one in the pharmacy, but many citizens would not know to interpret the plod pressure because the lack the medical background a nurse possesses.


  • Ferdinand, K. C., Patterson, K. P., Taylor, C., Fergus, I. V., Nasser, S. A., & Ferdinand, D. P. (2012). Community-based approaches to prevention and management of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.), 14(5), 336–343.
  • Lackland D. T. (2014). Racial differences in hypertension: implications for high blood pressure management. The American Journal of The Medical Sciences, 348(2), 135–138. doi:10.1097/MAJ.0000000000000308
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight. (n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2019, from

Assignment: Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

Question Description

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Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation
As their names imply, the honeyguide bird and the honey badger share an affinity for honey. Honeyguide birds specialize in finding beehives but struggle to access the honey within.

Love badgers are well-equipped to raid beehives but cannot always find them. However, these two honey-loving species have learned to collaborate effectively to meet their objectives. The honeyguide bird guides honey badgers to newly discovered hives. Once the honey badger has ransacked the hive, the honeyguide bird safely enters to enjoy the leftover honey.

Much like honeyguide birds and honey badgers, nurses and health professionals from other specialty areas can—and should—collaborate to design effective programs. Nurses bring specialties to the table, making them natural partners to professionals with different specialties. When nurses take the requisite leadership in becoming involved throughout the healthcare system, these partnerships can better design and deliver highly effective programs that meet objectives.

In this Assignment, you will practice this type of leadership by advocating for a healthcare program. Equally as important, you will advocate for a collaborative role of the nurse in the design and implementation of this program.

To do this, assume you are preparing to be interviewed by a professional organization/publication regarding your thoughts on the nurse’s role in designing and implementing new healthcare programs.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on your thinking regarding the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
  • Select a healthcare program within your practice and consider the design and implementation of this program.
  • Reflect on advocacy efforts and the role of the nurse in relation to healthcare program design and implementation.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

In a 2- to 3-page paper, create an interview transcript of your responses to the following interview questions:

  • Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?


In this interview transcript, a nurse discusses a comprehensive diabetes management program designed to improve the quality of life for patients with diabetes. The program’s objectives, target population, and the roles of various healthcare professionals involved are explored. The interviewee highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary team and the role of nurses in the design, advocacy, and implementation of healthcare programs.

Interview Transcript

Interviewer: Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

Interviewee: The healthcare program I would like to discuss is a comprehensive diabetes management program. This program aims to improve the quality of life for patients with diabetes by providing education, resources, and support to help them manage their condition effectively (Silva-Tinoco et al., 2020). The costs of this program include hiring and training specialized diabetes care educators, developing and providing educational materials, and maintaining a support system for ongoing patient follow-ups. The projected outcomes of this program include better blood sugar control, reduced diabetes-related complications, increased patient adherence to treatment plans, and an overall improvement in patients’ quality of life (Jarab et al., 2023).

  • Who is your target population?

Interviewer: Who is your target population?

Interviewee: The target population for this diabetes management program includes individuals diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, as well as those at risk for developing diabetes due to factors such as obesity, family history, or other health conditions (Tanaka et al., 2020).

  • What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
  • What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
  • What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
  • Who are the healthcare team members that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation on Diabetic Education Program

Healthcare providers and organizations aim to improve the health and wellbeing of the populations they serve by reducing disease incidences and severity.

Diabetes is one of the chronic conditions that affects millions of Americans and nurses are a core aspect of the healthcare delivery system have a duty to design and implement diabetic education programs to help patients and their families navigate the delicate situation for patient based on severity (Laureate Education, 2018).

Newly developed healthcare programs on diabetes education can improve outcomes and the quality of care and life for those with the chronic condition. Based on an interview, this essay summarizes the role of nurses in designing and implementing a diabetic education program for patients with diabetes.

Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice.

The healthcare program within the facility by nurses is the designing and implementing a diabetic education program. Diabetes continues to be a serious public health concern and efforts to offer education to diabetic patients can improve adherence to medication, and self-care management (Powers et al., 2020).

Diabetes self-management education and support offers the foundation to help people with the disease navigate decisions that they must make daily and activities to improve health outcomes (Milstead & Short, 2019). Through the education program, diabetic patients will have knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for improved self-care.

What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

The program focuses on providing resources and educational interventions at the convenience of a patient who visits the facility and would like to enhance their self-management approaches to diabetes. The institution will provide access to information through its online portal, physical materials to those visiting the facility, and one-on-one sessions with patients and their families to demonstrate the efficacy of the program.

The cost involved in implementing the program will include funds to publish materials like brochures for patients and families, funds to develop online resources through increasing the organization’s website interface to have one on diabetes self-management and resources to fund the one-on-one sessions with appropriate consultants that shall boost the current nurses’ efforts.

The overall cost of all these interventions will be $3,500. The money that will be used to fund the program will include an additional cost of $1,000 for implementation in different areas for providers in the facility, especially training. Therefore, the entire initiative will cost the organization an estimated $4,500 which the entity can recover within one month after the implementation.

The projected outcomes from the program are varied. These include increased and better adherence to diabetes self-management protocols, lower or reduced costs of diabetes management, improved knowledge and abilities for patients and their families. The implication is that this program will enhance awareness and abilities among patients to self-manage and self-care for themselves.

Who is your target population?

The program’s main target is diabetic individuals and their families who shall benefit from the information and resources offered by the facility. The program also targets nurses working in the facility to enhance their knowledge and abilities to care for these patients in an effective manner.

What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?

Nurses play a critical role in care provision that includes designing healthcare programs like education program for diabetic patients. In this case, the nurse will offer interventions that can improve care and self-management for patients with different types of diabetes.

The nurse will also guide the inclusion of self-management aspects that align with best evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions in the facility. For example, the nurse will identify strategies to enhance adherence to blood sugar monitoring and taking insulin medication at appropriate time.

What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

Nurses are patient advocates; in this instance, education programs are necessary for patients to improve care outcomes. In this regard, the role of a nurse as a patient advocate is to ensure that the program meets patient needs, is easy to understand and can be implemented at home in collaboration with patients’ families.

Nurses have a chance to directly influence policies because of their unique positions in healthcare system. Imperatively, having input in designing the diabetic education program is essential for effective success of the initiative. In this regard, I impact the design by ensuring that the initiative addresses key patient concerns and issues aimed at improving their overall management of diabetes. My input also includes having a monitoring system that allows providers to interact better with the patients.

What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation?

Nurses play a critical role in the implementation of healthcare program. At the core of this role is coordination where they work collaboratively with both patients and other providers to ensure the success of the program. Nurses also undertake roles of initiating the program by being educators and offering lessons to diabetic patients.

How does this role vary between the design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?

The design and implement roles differ since the two stages are also different. The design stage entails having research, effective structures and collaboration, and laying the foundation for the program. The design stage also entailed identifying different roles and duties that each nurse should play and keeping them abreast with all aspects of the initiative (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2018).

However, the implementation stage is the real working and being on the ground to execute the interventions. For instance, in implementation, one must execute the interactions with patients to attain their feedback and customize the education program to their needs. Implementation also entails working with community leaders and patient families to carry out the various interventions meant to enhance self-management.

Who are the healthcare team members that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why you think this?

The most important members of the healthcare team to implement this initiative include nurses, nurse managers, and social workers as well as physician dealing with particular customers. Nurses are patient advocate and understand the different aspects of their needs (Tomaschewski-Barlem et al., 2018).

They also deal with different patients and can work with their managers and physicians to deliver quality care. As educators, they can offer lessons to patients with diabetes on the benefits of self-management and care to improve the quality of life.


The inclusion of nurses in designing and implementing diabetic education program illustrates nurses’ critical role in care delivery. As demonstrated, the program to enhance education will improve quality of life for patients with diabetes.

The program will also enable nurses to participate in different initiatives to improve overall care for patients. The implication is that diabetic patients require education programs to enhance their medication adherence and self-management decisions.


  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Design and Implementation [Video file]. Baltimore, MD:


  • Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Powers, M. A., Bardsley, J. K., Cypress, M., Funnell, M. M., Harms, D., Hess-Fischl, A., … &
  • Uelmen, S. (2020). Diabetes self-management education and support in adults with type 2 diabetes: a consensus report of the American Diabetes Association, the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of PAs, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the American Pharmacists Association. Diabetes Care, 43(7), 1636-1649. DOI: 10.2337/dci20-0023.
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2018). Nurses Take on New and Expanded Roles in Health Care. take-on-new-and-expanded-roles-in-health-care.html
  • Tomaschewski-Barlem, J. G., Lunardi, V. L., Barlem, E. L. D., Silveira, R. S., Ramos, A. M., & Piexak, D. R. (2017). Patient advocacy in nursing: Barriers, facilitators, and potential implications. Texto Contexto-Enfermagem, 26(3), e0100014.

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Assignment: Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

Nurses collaborate with other health professionals from various specialty areas to design effective programs. Nurses bring various specialties in designing and implementing programs that make them effective partners to professionals in such undertaking. Their involvement through leadership positions in the healthcare system allows them to deliver highly successful programs that meet set goals and objectives (Evripidou et al., 2019).

The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate through an interview with a nurse leader the type of leadership required for nurses to advocate for a healthcare program. Based on a transcript of the interview, the assignment illustrates the critical role of these healthcare providers in design and implementation of programs.

Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

Nurse Interviewee

Nurses play a vital role that include linking healthcare professionals and patients to offer effective treatment interventions, especially in mental and behavioral health areas. Caring for adults with mental health issues is challenging for families and even healthcare providers. The implication is that these challenges require stakeholders, especially healthcare providers like nurses, to design and implement effective programs that can lead to optimal care and better outcomes.

An effective program that is being implemented in my practice is the use of home-based care interventions like meditation and dance therapy to enhance the psychological aspects of individuals with mental health issues. The program that was designed by the nursing team in the facility involves using meditation and dancing therapy as ways of helping the mentally sick individuals to enhance their cognitive functioning.

The facility implemented this program due to elderly patients over 60 years presenting with different types of mental disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease, Schizophrenia, and dementia (Chiesi et al., 2021). The program aims at improving memory for this individuals, enhancing their cognition and coordination of activities. Mental health benefits of meditation are broad and include better focus and concentration, improved self-awareness and self-esteem as well as a reduction in stress and anxiety and fosters kindness.

Dance movement therapy (DMT) is used in nursing care and practice as way of reducing symptoms linked to different mental health conditions. The average cost of the program whose duration is two hours; one hour for meditation and one hour for dance therapy, is $80. The program’s projected outcomes include enhancing coordination and cognition and reducing the adverse symptoms of mental health conditions.

Who is your target population?


The program targets mainly all individuals who are 60 years and above and have some form of mental health challenges, especially those presenting in the facility with dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?


The nurse plays a significant role in offering input for designing the healthcare program. Nurses possess extensive and hands-on knowledge about patient needs than other healthcare practitioners as they provide care and interact with more. Nurses’ input in the program is founded on using best practices from research findings.

The implication is that nurses suggests the different aspects of the program. Nurses design communication approaches and strategies, different ways to implement the program, and various aspects of the initiative to enhance its effectiveness on the target population (Evripidou et al., 2019).

Nurses are also critical in the program as they encourage patients to develop positive body image, have self-esteem and self-concept to ensure that they benefit from its approaches. For example, the nurses propose different approaches to implementing the program with the aim of meeting patient needs and expectations on outcomes.

What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?


Nurses are patient advocates in all their settings or practice environment as they seek better ways to help improve care outcomes. As an advocate for the target population, my role is to ensure that these individuals get quality care at their convenience. The care does not need to be hospital-based but can be private in the comfort of their homes. My role is to ensure that these individuals feel free and can express their feelings.

Further, I ensure that they get sufficient resources and interact well with the providers for effective care delivery. I believe that their involvement in the program is critical to both the facility and communities where they live. Secondly, I have significant input in the design decisions as I am part of the team that recommended and developed the program for the target population.

My suggestions include integrating the dance movement therapy with the meditation process that has proved successful for the target population based on positive outcomes attained since implementation. I impact the design by ascertaining that the program can also run in patients’ homes for those who cannot move to the facility.

What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples.


The nurse plays a critical role in implementation of healthcare programs, not just this one. The initial role is program coordination that involves the monitoring of various patients and their care needs to ensure effective and quality performance of the expected outcomes. Nurses also link different healthcare professionals in their teams to provide a common approach to the health situation at hand.

In this program, nurses are the pivot of the implementation as they execute the suggested strategies for patients in different settings, including at home and in the facility Innes et al., 2018). Nurses incorporate the proposed program into their clinical practices and offer patient-centered care to meet the individual needs of a patient. Nurses incorporate the individual specifications of the initiative to like personal or customized plans for different patients with mental health issues.

The role of nurses in implementation differs from the design as implementation entails executing aspects of the program and ascertaining that they meet patient’s needs. In design, a nurse suggests different approaches to the program that include scope and size and sustainability. However, in implementation, the nurse incorporates these specifications into clinical practice and hands-on execution to ascertain expected outcomes.

Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?


Effective design and implementation of healthcare intervention programs requires collective efforts from different stakeholders and players. These include healthcare professionals, nurses in the practice, organizational managers and leaders and patients. In this case of this program and its implementation, the members of the healthcare team include nurse practitioners in the facility, the mental health professionals like psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists.

The nurse practitioners and the mental health experts are essential for this program because of their role and experience in its overall success (Singh et al., 2019). As members of the team, they will ensure that all components of the program succeed and are tailored to meet the needs of the different patients in the facility and even those in home-based settings.


Nurses like other healthcare providers, play a critical role in the design and implementation of healthcare programs or initiatives focused on enhancing target populations based on their suggested interventions. The need to enhance mental health among elderly patients is essential since many suffer from mental health disorders. The program in this case will enhance their mental cognition and functions leading to better lifestyle experience for the target population.


  • Chiesi, F., Gori, E., Collini, F., Palfrader, A., Galli, R., Guazzini, A., … & Bonaccorsi, G. (2021).
  • Biodanza as a Nonpharmacological Dance Movement–Based Treatment in Older People with Alzheimer’s Disease: An Italian Pilot Study in 2 Tuscan Nursing Homes. Holistic Nursing Practice, 35(5), 264-272. DOI: 10.1097/hnp.0000000000000470
  • Evripidou, M., Charalambous, A., Middleton, N., & Papastavrou, E. (2019). Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes about dementia care: Systematic literature review. Perspectives in psychiatric care, 55(1), 48-60. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12291.
  • Innes, K. E., Selfe, T. K., Brundage, K., Montgomery, C., Wen, S., Kandati, S., … & Huysmans,970. (2018). Effects of meditation and music-listening on blood biomarkers of cellular aging and Alzheimer’s disease in adults with subjective cognitive decline: An exploratory randomized clinical trial. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 66(3), 947-970. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180164.
  • Singh, N. N., Lancioni, G. E., Medvedev, O. N., Sreenivas, S., Myers, R. E., & Hwang, Y. S. (2019). Meditation on the soles of the feet practice provides some control of aggression for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Mindfulness, 10(7), 1232-1242.
  • Swan, B. A., Haas, S., & Jessie, A. T. (2019). Care coordination: roles of registered nurses across the care continuum. Nursing Economics, 37(6), 317-323.

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NURS 6050 Discussion 1: Evidence Base in Design

NURS 6050 Discussion 2: The Role of the RN/APRN in Policy-Making

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

Question 1

One of the most frequently handled infections in the nursing home is UTI. This infection poses problems regarding its proper treatment administration.  I work for an organization with 36 long-term care facilities, all under the same upper corporate management, although they function differently. I have been in charge of my facilities’ infection control for the last three years, and in this period, I have witnessed the outrageous number of UTI infections reported. About 70% of all the total reported infection cases in my facility are UTI cases.

We are looking to develop a health care program that will ensure that there is a reduction of inappropriate antibiotics used to deal with these cases. This initiative achieved quite remarkable success when rolled out in my facility, significantly reducing the infections rates. Therefore, I am looking to have it rolled out in the rest of our facilities. The primary focus of this initiative is to ensure patients with UTI are prescribed the appropriate antibiotics as we rid the non-effective ones to decrease the number of UTI cases.

The costs projected in this project are traveling and training material costs as I will have to travel to all our 36 facilities and train all the nursing practitioners and staff.

Question 2

The program targets the elderly in our long-term care facilities. Several research studies indicate that they are the most at-risk populations to contracting urinary tract infections.

Question 3 &4

We, as nurses, will conduct assessment and Request (SBAR) for the patients with symptoms of UTI rather than randomly requesting physicians to provide urinalysis on the patient’s samples. In essence, the program will ensure that inappropriate antibiotics used to treat UTIs are disposed of, which will improve the effectiveness of the appropriate antibiotics among patients. In addition, nurses will work with other professionals in the healthcare facilities to prescribe the right antibiotics to UTI patients.

A design example is as follows:

All the nursing staff at each of our training facilities will be acquainted with UTI classic symptoms and told to watch out for any of these symptoms inpatient analysis.

  • 100or 2.4 increase above baseline
  • New delirium onset
  • Rigors
  • New Flank tenderness/pain

All NPs will submit their forms to me since I am the infection control nurse. I will ensure all criteria are adequately satisfied, after which the nurses can now notify the respective clinicians.

Question 5

As previously stated, my target population includes the older adults who are accommodated in nursing homes since these facilities top the list for harmful antibiotics resistant infection strain breeding grounds. We will eliminate the unneeded antibiotics that might become resistant and provide new and appropriate antibiotics for UTI.

Question 6

All tool kit forms for any potential UTI cases will be forwarded to me, after which my and health team members and I will discuss the appropriate follow-up for the cases.

I will ensure that every UTI case suspect will be properly and adequately assessed, after which the appropriate implementation will follow. For instance, if the resident exhibits behavior not linked or related to UTI, they will be thoroughly assessed, and possible implementation procedures identified before contacting the physicians.

Question 7

The essential team members are the practitioners who prescribe the UTI antibiotics. We will email each practitioner to inform them that “based on recent clinical guidelines developed with the nursing home, some modifications will be made on the protocols around urinalysis for optimal antibiotic use in treating UTI. Nurses will be provided with a toolkit SBAR that will be followed before contacting clinicians.”

The nursing care team, Nursing Directors, registered nurses, nursing assistants, and licensed practical nurses are the target healthcare members involved in the program.

Question 8, 9 &10

The nurse will be tasked with coming up with a program that focuses on identifying the inappropriate antibiotics to which the patient can develop resistance and getting rid of them.

We will achieve it by working with other health care professionals to prescribe the correct antibiotic treatment to each UTI patient.

Question 11&12

Nursing staff will have to follow and implement the Suspected UTI SBAR toolkit. This toolkit form will include the initiated antibiotic’s minimum criteria.  For example, if a patient does not show indwelling catheter signs, we will look at fever or at least one of the following new or worsening symptoms; costovertebral angle tenderness, suprapubic gross hematuria, and urinary incontinence. If the patient shows Indwelling catheters, we will look for fever, or at least one of the following; rigors, new costovertebral tenderness, new delirium onset. Resistant antibiotics can become harmful to a patient.

Finally, Strong leadership plays a critical role in transforming the health care system. In the nursing field, leaders need to perform and develop excellent and efficient health care programs. Leadership varies from the boardroom to bedside care. Therefore, Nurses should partner with health professionals with high-quality care delivery.

Total Points: 100
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Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation

Nurses play a critical role in designing and implementing programs targeted at enhancing quality interventions in individuals and communities’ lives. National health concerns like obesity require effective health promotion programs where nurse are at the pivotal point to push for their implementation and effective delivery of expected interventions to mitigate them. Nurse advocate for a collaborative role in the design and implementation of obesity programs in different care settings to help affected individuals address the issue for better lifestyle and prevent associated complications. Obesity is a complex and chronic health condition yet preventable through effective program. Obesity increases one’s risk for conditions like hypertension, heart disease, cancer and diabetes (Ayton & Ibrahim, 2019). The purpose of this essay is to highlight aspects of a program to mitigate obesity and the role of nurses in its design and implementation based on an interview with a nurse practitioner.

Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?


The program is an integrated weight loss and management initiative in my practice. The program was initiated based on the identification of obesity as a public health concern that continues to impact millions of Americans. The program seeks expansion and promotion of weight loss management to support a spectrum of population needs of people of across all ages who need help to overcome obesity and being overweight. A component of the program is the “Individual Nutrition Model” that mainly focuses on incorporating a healthier lifestyle. Through the program, individuals commit to a three months’ initiative to enhance their nutritional inputs and change their diets at the personal level (Agha & Agha, 2017). The main program is a six-month initiative where patients commit fully to attending forty in-person sessions with the facility’s team that include nurses, dieticians and nutrition counselors to address obesity problem.

At each visit, the patient and the inter-professional collaboration team set goals to attain on weight management issues.  Patients are encouraged to commit to ensuring that they have record of food intake, physical activity and behavioral change goals. At the end of the period, the team evaluates the patient’s progress based on their individualized plan to ascertain if they need more therapies, referrals or are not set to contain their weight. The program charges $100 for each session which a patient’s health insurance can reimburse. Through the program, patients will have enhanced lifestyle and be productive members of society by addressing health challenges associated with obesity.

Who is your target population?


The program targets both children and adults who want help to overcome obesity and overweight. The program focuses on the entire population who would also at risk of being obese or overweight due to the nature of their work or lack of physical exercise and activities in their lives.

What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?


Nurses play an essential role in offering input to the design of the program because of their knowledge and expertise. A core aspect of this input is provision of evidence-based practice information founded on clinical research to manage obesity in different health settings and among individuals. Nurses in the program will offer information mainly on education and preventive measures to overcome obesity (Swan et al., 2018). Their input also includes information on the operational design to ensure that the program aligns with the healthcare space aspects of the organizations. Nurses are also role models and personal counselors to patients and their families (Agha & Agha, 2017). For instance, they will offer education to patients and families on nutrition and dieting habits, benefits they can attain from the healthcare system and discussions on in-depth obesity-associated complications and conditions.

The input of nurses in designing the program also include helping patients identify their health goals and creation of an individualized plan to meet them. Nurses continue to assume enhanced responsibilities in providing patient education and assisting them to be responsible for their health status.

What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?


Nurses position themselves of patient advocates for different healthcare populations to ensure that healthcare providers and organizations understand and listen to patient needs. As a nurse, one must establish positive interactions and relationship with target population to have an impact and influence real changes to create positive patient outcomes. In this case, the nurses’ main focus and concentration would be to offer education and interventions aimed at preventing health-associated risks for obesity and need for individuals to manage their weights effectively. Through collaboration with those at the weight loss center, the nurse will create informational brochure and other materials and establish interactive sessions with patients to attain the program’s goals (Swan et al., 2018). One of the most effective ways for a nurse to contribute to the design of this program is through extensive research and study concerning obesity as a public health issues, and collect strong evidence to support her position. The nurse can also advocate for policy changes like banning for fast foods’ establishment, sugary drinks and encourage better diets and physical exercises.

What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?


Nurses are leaders in different aspects of healthcare and play significant roles in advocacy, development and implementation of health policies and their subsequent evaluation. Founded on evidence-based practice and patient experiences, nurse possess knowledge on different areas of program needs improvement and review (Agha & Agha, 2017). The involvement of nurse in program implementation entails identifying, designing and integrating appropriate standards of healthcare delivery for the target population.

In this case, the role of the nurse is to ensure that there is incorporation of different aspects of the weight loss program to attain expected outcomes. The nurse integrates specifications and required strategies to execute the program to its logical conclusion (Swan et al., 2018). In healthcare program design, the nurse can make suggestions about various aspects of the design that include the scope and size and overall sustainability. However, in implementation, they must incorporate the proposed design specification into practice and interventions targeted at the selected population.

Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?


The implementation of this program requires input from different stakeholders, right from organizational managers and leaders. These include health professionals like physicians and psychiatrists, nutritionists and nutritional counselors as well as physiotherapists to help in encouraging effective exercising to reduce weight for patients in the program. However, nurses and nutritionists are the most needed members of the healthcare team to implement this program because of their position, expertise and being frontline care providers (Martins, 2018). Nurses interact with patients and are advocates for their needs. Therefore, they will help the nutritionists to integrate their recommended interventions to tackle obesity and overweight issues in the selected population.


The need to control obesity through effective programs by nurses and other providers is essential since it is a public health concern which requires effective evidence-based interventions. As demonstrated through this program, individuals with obesity can attain benefits and enhance their quality of life through better nutritional activities and lifestyles. Nurses remain a critical component of attaining quality outcomes through designing and implementing programs that benefit populations like obesity-related interventions.


Ayton, A., & Ibrahim, A. (2019). Obesity is a public health emergency. BMJ: British Medical

            Journal (Online), 366. doi:

Agha, M., & Agha, R. (2017). The rising prevalence of obesity: part A: impact on public health.

International journal of surgery. Oncology, 2(7), e17.

doi: 10.1097/IJ9.0000000000000017

Martins, A. P. B. (2018). Obesity must be treated as a public health issue. Revista de

Administração de Empresas, 58, 337-341.

Swan, B. A., Haas, S., & Jessie, A. T. (2019). Care coordination: roles of registered nurses

across the care continuum. Nursing Economics, 37(6), 317-323.

A Sample Answer for The Assignment: Assignment: Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

Title: Assignment: Advocating for The Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation Questions

Registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses have many opportunities to participate in policymaking. Nursing involvement in policymaking brings attention to critical problems or issues within health care and ensures the government’s response to the problem (Milstead & Short, 2019). One opportunity for a nurse to contribute to policymaking is to join a hospital or state committee. Many hospitals encourage nursing participation on committees because hospitals acknowledge how valuable a nurse’s input in policymaking is. Another strategy to be more involved in policymaking is continuing education. Advanced practice registered nurses have numerous ways to influence policy-making with their expert clinical opinion and advice (Milstead & Short, 2019).

Every opportunity comes with its own set of challenges, including policymaking. One of the top three reasons nurses are not actively involved in policymaking is the lack of time (Rasheed et al., 2020). Nurses are expected to do more with fewer resources daily, leaving even less time for career development, such as participating in policymaking. One resolution to approach the lack of time is hospitals allotting a certain amount of time per week or month for nurses to participate on committees, aside from their full-time schedule. Another challenge nurses face is the general tendency or stereotype of older experienced nurses to “eat their young” or, in other words, show dominance instead of teaching and nurturing new graduates. This nursing stereotype has bled into the policymaking arena. Nurses in leadership roles refuse to teach their preceptees or ignore them completely to show dominance (Rasheed et al., 2020). One resolution to address this stereotype is for consequences to be enforced against those who are condescending or unwilling to help other nurses.

One strategy that should be implemented to increase awareness and advocate for opportunities for nurses to be involved in policymaking is for nursing education programs to incorporate the impact nurses could have on policy development and the associated outcomes for healthcare in general. A nursing program should include the importance of participation in policymaking and how to be an active member of policymaking. Another strategy that could be utilized in advocating for nurses in policy-making is the use of social media. Media is used to educate, share news, and advocate; in doing so, media is a tool used to educate, connect, or organize people for change (Myers, 2020). Media can be used to reach many people or audiences with minimal effort.

There are many opportunities for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policymaking, but there are also many obstacles that can prevent them from doing so. Due to their expertise and knowledge-base background, nurses are taught to always advocate. This enables the political context to have an impact on the decision-making process regarding alterations in health care. In most cases, nurses have improved their communication and collaboration skills with other healthcare professionals, thereby enhancing the treatment provided to patients.

The opportunities in which both parties can engage are as follows: American Nurses Associations is a wonderful organization that allows nurses to be involved in policy changes that can enhance their working environment. There are numerous other nursing organizations, but I selected this organization because it enables nurses to express their concerns about their employment and propose changes that could be advantageous to them. If the policies are to be modified, the new policy will take effect promptly following the review process.

The second possibility I observed is the workplace. Both RNs and APRNs work together to provide high-quality patient care, and both have the responsibility to influence healthcare programs in the workplace. The responsibility of RNs and APRNs is to promote and advocate for a patient’s health improvement. In order to provide care to patients, the workplace environment must be optimized, and care delivery must be efficient. This can provide the opportunity for senior management to participate in certain policy revisions.

Constraints: an organization’s ongoing membership fees like ANA, which can be annual or monthly, are a disadvantage. This can be a disadvantage if a nurse does not always have the opportunity to be actively involved and engaged due to personal obligations. To retain nurses, fees should be waived, and you should only pay when you are able to be active. Like a pay as you go plan.

There is occasionally a lack of communication from senior management regarding policy revisions, which can be indicative of poor leadership. This can have a negative impact on nurses because, if the communication is effective and policy changes are implemented without addressing the nurses’ concerns, they may not want to participate in future decision making. Through email, memos, meetings, etc., some solutions are constantly informing employees of any policy changes. Permit staff participation in order to foster confidence and excellent collaboration rapport.

Effective communication through increased staff meetings and trainings. I’ve observed that when nurse managers conduct more effective staff meetings that allow participation from all staff and build confidence. Additionally, more trainings provide nurses with the opportunity to advance their careers, preparing them for leadership opportunities and advancement, which enables them to question policies that can promote better health and well-being for their patients and themselves.

Promotion of effective leadership in these facilities and organizations. If these organizations are able to reduce their membership fees to a reasonable level, additional nurses will be more inclined to participate. This can enrich organizations with diverse perspectives on ideas and knowledge, which can lead to improved patient care and social changes.

Registered nurses and advanced practice nurses are vital to creating and implementing change in healthcare “involvement in health policy is the most important role an NP can have in impacting positive change in health care that will benefit multiple generations of patients across institutions, states, the nation, and even globally. Together we can significantly improve the health of patients through our involvement on the front lines of health policy.” (Chilton, 2015).

There are multiple ways that RNs and APRNs can contribute to policy making. The first way is to join an organization or association, when doing so RNs and APRNs can lobby for policies they support and help create solutions to problems in healthcare. The American Nurses Association states “ANA believes that advocacy is a pillar of nursing. Nurses instinctively advocate for their patients, in their workplaces, and in their communities; but legislative and political advocacy is no less important to advancing the profession and patient care.” (ANA, 2020). These organizations lobby for change at the federal and local level and can assist nurses in sharing their personal experiences that have impacted their practice and views on current healthcare topics which leads into a second way for nurses to become involved in policy making. A second way for RNs and APRNs to become involved in policy making is by continuing their education so that they can be knowledgeable about current legislation, support their colleagues who are wanting to create impactful change, and to collaborate as a group to develop policies based on evidence-based practices.

There are challenges that RNs and APRNs face when becoming involved in policy making. Some challenges are a lack of awareness on how to be involved, and a lack of support in the workplace that makes nurses feel as if they have no voice. A lack of awareness can be solved by nursing programs offering more education on policy reform in school and by professionals joining an organization such as the ANA. Lack of support in the workplace can be solved by nurses signing a union petition and by holding leadership and management roles where they can change the policies in place that prevent nurses from being heard and treated fairly. If nurses feel empowered in their jobs and experience less burnout, they will have the energy required to become more involved in policy reform at the local or federal level.

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation 

NURS – 6050N Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health  

April 12, 2020 

Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation 

Tell us about a healthcare program within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program? 

The most commonly diagnosed infections in nursing home residents are urinary tract infection (UTI), but it poses difficulty in adequate diagnosis. Being members of an organization, they do not operate the same way in 28 long-term care institutions with the same upper management. For the last three years, I have been controlling control infections in my facility. I see how many infections I receive each month, and 60% come from illnesses of the urinary tract. Our emphasis is to establish a patient care program to enhance the use of inappropriate antibiotics and reduce its use. In my agency, this health system has been highly successful, and the levels of infection have fallen. All 28 facilities must be introduced to me. The program seeks to reduce urinary tract infections by ensuring that patients obtain the correct antibiotic and avoid unwanted ones by utilizing the device​ (medicalnewstoday, 2020)​. The plan would cost travel expenses to all the facilities to teach staff to clinicians in all 28 facilities and pays for instruction and equipment from the different facilities. 

Who is your target population? 

The target populate is older in long haul care facilities contemplates shows that the number of population in long haul care resident who has a high instance of UTI. 

What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples? 

The role of the nurse in the program is to use the “Situation, Background, Assessment and Request” (SBAR) for suspected UTI instead of arbitrarily ask doctors for urinalysis. This program will eliminate inadequate antibiotics that improve antibiotic use. Nursing is essential to make sure the patient has drugs that they need while collaborating with the other practitioners​ (Achrekar & Vedang Murthy, 2016)​. 

Example give as follows 

Nursing staff will publicize themselves with the definitive sign and indications of UTI at least one of the following  

New Flank pain/tenderness 

Fever 100 degrees F or 2.4-degree increase above baseline 


New onset of delirium 

Each type can come to me as the infection control nurse, and before the nurses tell clinicians, I want to ensure that all the criteria are met. 

What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design? 

As an advocate, my target population of nursing homes will be aged because long-term institutions have the most prominent breeding grounds with antibiotic resistance that can be extremely harmful. We aim to eliminate antibiotics that people do not require and to give them enough antibiotics to enable them to become resistant​ (Shahid & Thomas, 2018)​. 

Each type of tool kit for suspected UTI will come to me, and I will discuss the necessary follow-up with members of the health team. For example, if the resident behavior is not UTI, I am taking care to ensure that all suspected urinary tract diseases are implemented, evaluated, and correctly applied. We will perform a thorough assessment and discuss their implementation before we contact the physicians. 

What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between the design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples? 

The nurse’s role in health care program usage is thought of as the program that centers on getting off improper antibiotics, which can get resistant to the patient. To come to this result, nursing will assume a significant role by working with other social insurance experts to make that the patient gets the correct antibiotic that he or she needs. 

The staff of the nurse will follow the toolkit Suspected UTI SBAR to be implemented and implemented by nurses. For the initiated antibiotics, the toolkit calculation has minimum criteria.  For instance, a patient without inhabiting catheter signs and indications as fever, in any event, one of the accompanying new or intensifying criticalness, recurrence, suprapubic net hematuria urinary incontinence, cost vertebral angledelicacy with Indwelling catheter​ (Beahm, Nicolle, & Bursey, 2017)​. We will search for fever, at any rate, one of the accompanying new cost vertebral delicacy, rigors, a new beginning of daze. Safe anti-infection agents can be unsafe. 

Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why? 

Practitioners are the primary focus since they are the ones prescribing the antibiotics. A letter will be conveyed to each practitioner telling that dependent on clinical rules created with the nursing home. The facility has chosen to alter protocol around urinalysis to upgrade antibiotic use for urinary tract infections. We will make up a toolbox SBAR that the nurses need to follow before reaching clinicians. It is an exploration-based, and it is affection for suspected urinary tract disease. SBAR is a type of communication among nurses and clinicians to get necessary data​ (Beahm, Nicolle, & Bursey, 2017)​. Executives nursing care group enrolled nurses authorized useful nurses s and nursing associates. 


​​Achrekar, M. S., & Vedang, Murthy. (2016). Introduction of Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation into Nursing Practice: A Prospective Study. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs

​Beahm, N. P., Nicolle, L. E., & Bursey, A. (2017). The assessment and management of urinary tract infections in adults: Guidelines for pharmacists. Can Pharm J (Ott)

​medicalnewstoday. (2020). What to know about urinary tract infections. Retrieved from medicalnewstoday: 

​Shahid, S., & Thomas, S. (2018). The situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) Communication Tool for Handoff in Health Care – A Narrative Review. Safety in Health

Registered nurses make up more than 2.5 million of the healthcare force. This statistic found that this number makes up for the largest portion of healthcare workers in the United States (Registered Nurses Have Highest Employment in Healthcare Occupations; The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). This number also comes with responsibility and power that is underestimated by the profession. Providing direct care to patients is a duty that nurses provide, often being the bridge of communication between patients and providers. Another study found that nurses are seen as the most trusted profession (Nursing Ranked as the Most Trusted Profession for 21st Year in a Row, n.d.). This correlates with the direct care that is provided for patients in some of their most vulnerable states. These statistics are key reasons why nursing plays such a vital role in policy formation. Nurses spend more time at the bedside than physicians (Butler et al., 2018). This study found that nurses spend close to 40% of their day at the bedside providing care. This time is critical for assessments and acute changes to be addressed. Given the amount of time nurses spend with patients, their role in the plan of care, and the advocacy that is given to patients care, it is clear that nurses play a critical role in healthcare policies. 

One example of a way for nurses to get involved in the implementation of policies to better the healthcare system is to be part of nursing associations. National Nurses United is an example of an association that advocates for safe staffing ratios (National Safe RN-to-Patient Staffing Ratios, 2023). This pertains to every bedside nurse in the United States. Currently, California is the only state within the U.S that has laws in place to determine a maximum staffing ratio determined by level of care (Kasprak, 2004). This is the golden standard of care for patients. One article that is recently published, credible, and peer-reviewed found that staffing ratios would decrease length of stay, prevent deaths, and decrease number of ICU occupants (Writers, 2023). This data is substantial in the making of policies to advocate for patient and nursing safety. This example is crucial for bedside nurses and patients around the United States to secure a safer inpatient stay for facilities. 

Another example for nurses to be interactive with policy making is to be involved with politics pertaining to our field. Keeping up with legislation and providing evidence-based practices can make a difference. Utilizing our numbers and experience at the bedside will have an impact on the legislative process. Healthcare is unique, as everyone is affected. Continuing education will enhance our knowledge base, providing the necessary expertise and skills needed to acquire sufficient data to promote wellbeing of our patients. This is of upmost importance as data has showed that nurses spend more time at the bedside and are trusted by the public. 

Challenges that will be met are that there is always a possibility of pushback from legislators. This is where education and skill come to play, as well as having appropriate evidence-based practices to support needed legislation. Providing evidence to determine why something would be beneficial to the public would be expected to appropriately gain approval for a specific legislation. 

Strategies that could be utilized to promote advocacy for the legislation process would be to encourage other nurses in the profession to voice their concerns for legislation. Providing opportunities for staff at a local hospital to be involved with the political process and realize they do have a voice would be one way to encourage the participation of other nurses. Another way to promote advocacy for the legislative process would be for nursing students to be encouraged to participate in the legislative process and nursing associations on the state and federal level. Promoting these associations would be a starting point for the advocacy of legislation to promote health for patients and nurses. The number of nurses in the workforce provide great opportunity for change to take place in the healthcare system. Given nurses education, skill, and experience this is the perfect combination to change healthcare for the better for patient’s best outcomes. 


Butler, R., Monsalve, M., Thomas, G., Herman, T., Segre, A. M., Polgreen, P. M., & Suneja, M. (2018). Estimating Time Physicians and Other Health Care Workers Spend with Patients in an Intensive Care Unit Using a Sensor Network. The American Journal of Medicine, 131(8), 972.e9-972.e15.

Links to an external site.

Kasprak, J. (2004). California Staffing Ratio Law.

Registered nurses have highest employment in healthcare occupations; anesthesiologists earn the most : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015, July 13).

Links to an external site.

National Safe RN-to-Patient Staffing Ratios. (2023, April 3). National Nurses United.

Nursing Ranked as the Most Trusted Profession for 21st Year in a Row. (n.d.).

Links to an external site.

Writers, S. (2023, March 23). The Benefits Of Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratio Laws And Regulations | NurseJournal. NurseJournal.

The involvement of nurses is indispensable in the design and implementation of healthcare initiatives. By actively participating in program development and execution, nurses contribute to the success of initiatives that aim to improve healthcare outcomes within the community. This collaborative and patient-centered approach ensures that healthcare programs are not only well-designed but also effectively implemented to benefit individuals struggling with health challenges. I bring a wealth of experience as a nurse, actively engaged in the implementation of a community-based vaccination program in the United States of America.

Interviewer: Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

Responder: To build community demand for vaccinations and expand access to vaccine services, community organizations, local governments, and vaccine providers collaborate with the community-based vaccination program. The projected outcomes include a decrease in the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases, improved community immunity,  a reduction in healthcare costs associated with treating preventable illnesses, maintaining the vaccination coverage level of 1 dose of the MMR vaccine in children by age 2 years and 2 doses for children in kindergarten (Guide to Community Preventive  Services, 2014). The costs of these programs can vary, but it’s estimated that for every $1 spent on childhood vaccinations, the country saves $10.90 (The Economic Burden of Vaccine preventable diseases, n.d).

Interviewer: Who is your target population?

Responder: Community-based vaccination programs typically includes specific populations that have lower vaccination rates. These include children, the elderly, and underserved communities.

Interviewer: What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?

Responder: Nurses bring their intimate knowledge of patient care environments to the design process and this shows how essential they are. They play a crucial role in designing the vaccination program by contributing their expertise in immunization protocols, patient education, and community engagement. For instance, nurses may propose strategies to address vaccine hesitancy, develop culturally sensitive educational materials, and design efficient clinic workflows to maximize vaccination coverage. According to Health Facilities Management 2016, the inclusion of nursing staff in the design of a health program led to a reduction in departmental size and this resulted in saving more than a million dollars in cost.

Interviewer: What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

Responder: As an advocate, I champion the importance of vaccinations in preventing diseases within the community. I contribute to design decisions such as tailoring educational materials to address community concerns, collaborating with local organizations for outreach, and ensuring that vaccination clinics are conveniently located and accessible to all. With this, I’m able to provide valuable perspective on the distinct healthcare requirement of the intended population.


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